THANK YOU for registering to attend an upcoming Business Valuation Certification and Training Center (BVTC).
CHICAGO Training Location and Hotel Accomodations
Hotel Monaco [ click here ]
CTI Group Rate: $199 single/double, expires April 13, 2012
Reservation Phone: (312) 325-7212
For assistance booking the group rate contact Brett Losee, NACVA Meeting Planner at (800) 677-2009.
DALLAS Training Location and Hotel Accomodations
Omni Dallas Hotel [ click here ]
Group Rate: $179 single/double, expires May 29, 2012 Reservation Phone: (800) 843-6664
For assistance booking the group rate contact Brett Losee, NACVA Meeting Planner at (800) 677-2009. |
BVTC Participant Profile [ click here ]
Please complete the profile by the Wednesday before your training. It should take you less than 5 minutes. The information you provide will prepare the team of instructors for the experience levels and learning objectives for the candidates in your class.
Required Online Pre-Read Material
Completing all Pre-Read Material listed below is required for all attendees. These materials will prepare you for interaction with the instructors, lectures, curriculum exercises, and the Proctored Exam. There is a Required Online Pre-Read Exam covering these chapters. See details below. Please note, the Online Pre-Read Exam results will not be emailed to you.
Download the chapters from the BV Fundamentals, Techniques and Theory (FT&T) 2012.v1 manual below. The FT&T manual will be used on Monday and Tuesday of the BVTC. You will be given a full copy of the FT&T manual onsite. You do not need to hand carry a copy.
Please note that due to ongoing updates to the FT&T curriculum, the copy you pre-read may not be the same as what will be distributed onsite, unless downloaded within three weeks of your scheduled BVTC. The core content and fundamental body of knowledge is most critical. Please do not worry that subsequent updates will conflict with the fundamental body of knowledge.
Professional Standards Resources
- NACVA Professional Standards: click here
- IBA Professional Standards: click here
- Click here to view the Industry Standards: Ready to Protect and Serve session that was presented by NACVA and IBA Standards Unification Task Force Chairs at the 2011 Annual Consultants' Conference. Presentation materials: click here
[2hr recorded session / No CPE provided] The file is very large. Please be patient as it downloads.
Video Course: Fundamentals, Techniques & Theory (FT&T)
Click the links below to view the full course online. It is ideal that you follow along with the video course and the FT&T manual. You may need to click “Allow” and/or install plug-ins to view the video files. CPE is not available for these recorded courses. If you have technical difficulties, please contact Josh Steiger, Distance Learning Specialist at or toll free at (800) 677-2009 for assistance.
Required Online Pre-Read Exam [ click here ]
The Required Online Pre-Read Exam covers the chapters listed above. Results will not be emailed to you, rather, the team of instructors will review them and other topics during the Optional Study Sessions on Tuesday and Thursday evenings (see below). We advise that you print the exam pages, mark your answers and then go back to the online exam to submit your choices. Please complete the online exam by the Wednesday before your training.
Fundamentals of Understanding Financial Information and Special Purpose Valuations Recorded Webinars
Click the links below to view the webinars. The files are quite large, so please be patient with the download. The recorded "Intro" webinars will prepare you for the Special Purpose Valuations course. You may need to click “Allow” and/or install plug-ins to view the video files. CPE is not available for these webinars. If you have technical difficulties, please contact Josh Steiger, Distance Learning Specialist at or toll free at (800) 677-2009.
Other Helpful Resources
Proctored Exam
The exam will be proctored on Saturday of the training program. Continental breakfast and break/beverage service will be available throughout the exam.
- CVA and AVA Candidates will take the Proctored Exam online. For additional information regarding the Proctored Exam, wireless internet, laptop requirements, and the Case Study Experience Requirements click here and click here. CVA and AVA candidates, please direct your questions to Mary Balgaroo, NACVA Exam Facilitation Specialist at (800) 677-2009.
- CBA Candidates will take the Proctored Exam via paper/scantron. For additional information regarding the Proctored Exam and CBA credentialing requirements click here. CBA candidates can also download the IBA Applicant's Handbook by clicking here. CBA candidates, please direct your questions to Lindsey Nielson, IBA Support Representative at (800) 299-4130.
Laptops and Calculators
You will need a basic, 10-key calculator (nothing fancy) during the week. Please bring one with you.
You will need a laptop utilizing Microsoft Office Word and Excel for classroom exercises. CVA and AVA candidates will need a laptop for the Proctored Exam on Saturday. Please hand carry your own laptop. Electric power and free wireless internet for laptops will be provided, but we will not provide laptops for attendee use.
The Online Proctored Exam on Saturday for CVA and AVA candidates does not support the use of iPads, other computer tablets and/or smart devices, and therefore cannot be used. Individuals with these devices can take the paper exam. Please direct any questions to Mary Balgaroo, Exam Facilitation Specialist at (800) 677-2009.
Onsite Logistics
- Attire for the week is smart casual. Registration and break service will begin at 7:30 a.m. daily. The CTI will host break service daily. Classes begin daily at 8:00 a.m. and will conclude at approximately 5:30 p.m. You will need a basic, 10-key calculator. Please bring one with you.
Optional Study Sessions
Study sessions for the Proctored Exam will be conducted on Tuesday and Thursday for approximately 1 hour following class. Study sessions will be led by the instructors. Attendance is optional. You should also plan to study 2 to 3 hours each evening after class. We recommend you form study groups with other participants in the class. These on-own study groups will prepare you for class lectures and the proctored exam.
Shipping Your Material Home
You will receive several spiral bound binders and CDs onsite. Please plan for space in your luggage or plan to coordinate return shipping with the hotel Business Center or the hotel front desk.
We look forward to supporting your professional development. If we can assist you in any way, please call the Member Services at NACVA at (800) 677-2009 or IBA at (888) 299-4130.
Brien K. Jones
Director of Education and Conferences
National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts (NACVA)
Institute of Business Appraisers (IBA) |
Sheila T. Travis
Director of Member Services
National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts (NACVA)
Institute of Business Appraisers (IBA) |