Live Webinar

Using the Guideline Company Method
in Valuing Smaller Companies

Co-Sponsored by the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts (NACVA), the Institute of Business Appraisers (IBA), and the Consultants’ Training Institute (CTI).

September 12, 2011
Webinar Time:   11am-12pm Pacific    12pm–1pm Mountain    1pm–2pm Central     2pm–3pm Eastern 
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Webinar Materials
Presenter PPTs and other materials will be sent before the webinar in a separate email. Please check your spam and/or junk folders to ensure you receive these important documents.

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IMPORTANT NOTE: After you register online, you will receive a paid invoice email and a webinar confirmation and login information email.


Program Content
This webinar is an introduction to using the guideline public company (GPC) method in valuing small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). While no one, to our knowledge, has done a survey of the percentage of professionals who use the GPC method in this context, we strongly believe that it is small. But we know that it can be used in valuing SMBs because we do it all the time; the only exceptions are, of course, professional services firms. The key is to create a large enough group of first-cut candidates that will lead to a robust final group and then to size-adjust the valuation multiples so that coefficients of variation are all on the same playing field, whether the size measurement is from Morningstar/Ibbotson or the Duff & Phelps data set.

Learning Objectives
After completing the webinar session, participants will be able to:

  • Explain the strengths and weaknesses of a GPC analysis in the context of the client company
  • Identify sources of GPC candidates
  • List the the steps in conducting a rigorous GPC analysis
  • Differentiate between size-adjusted and non-size-adjusted valuation multiples
  • Define the phrase "size-adjusted valuation multiple" Register Now!

Who Should Attend
Experienced professionals who spend at least 50% of their billable hours providing business valuation services.

Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Credit
The webinar will include periodic online Polling Questions to assess continuous participation and to determine the program’s effectiveness. To obtain CPE credit, registrants must view and listen to the entire webinar presentation at individual computers and respond to all Polling Questions.

Our Featured Presenters ~ Warren Miller, CFA, ASA, CPA and Michael Mattson, MBA


Mike Mattson is a self-employed valuation professional. He received his MBA from the University of Chicago and previously worked with Ibbotson & Associates, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Lasalle Consulting Group, and McGraw-Hill/DRI before going out on his own. He wrote the chapter on guideline public company analysis for Jim Hitchner's book, Financial Valuation: Applications and Models. He was also the lead author of the seminal article, Adjusting Guideline Multiples for Size(Valuation Strategies, Sept.-Oct. 2001, pp. 24-29).


Warren Miller has practiced business valuation full-time since 1993. He approaches valuation through the lens of strategic management and emphasizes cause-and-effect relationships in outlier performance metrics. His first book, Value Maps: Valuation Tools That Unlock Business Wealth, came out in 2010 (http://bit.ly/jJFi6g); his second one BVR's Guide to Wholesalers, is due out in September 2011 (http://bit.ly/nIg44S). His work has appeared in Value Examiner, Business Valuation Review, CFA Magazine, and CPA Expert, among others.

CPE Credits: One (1) hour

Program Level: Overview

Delivery Method: Group-Internet-Based Advanced Preparation: None
Fields of Study: Specialized Knowledge & Applications Prerequisites: None
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Register Online Now!
NACVA/IBA Members: $117 / Non-Members: $130 [ Online Registration Form ]
Registration is per person and allows access to login information, presentation materials, and one CPE attestation form.

Multi-person discounts for additional registrants
NACVA/IBA Member: $40 per person / Non-Members: $45 per person
Additional registrants receive login information, presentation materials, and one CPE attestation form.

[ Additional registrant registration form ]

Can't Attend the Webinar?
Buy the recording for $75.00
Complete the Registration Form: click here / Fax the form to (866) 548-2321 or scan and email it to NACVAWebinar@nacva.com. After the Webinar has concluded, a link to the recording of the webinar will be emailed to you along with the materials from the Webinar and an Attestation Form for NACVA/IBA ONLY qualified CPE credit.

The Consultants' Training Institute (CTI) is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted through its web site: learningmarket.org.

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2011 CTI Catalog